
Helping pollinators is essential for maintaining biodiversity and ensuring the health of our ecosystems. Here are some things you can do to support bees and other pollinators:

Plant pollinator-friendly gardens

Choose a variety of native flowers, shrubs, and trees that provide nectar and pollen for pollinators throughout the year. Include a range of flower shapes and colors to attract different types of pollinators. Ask your local plant nursery or neighborhood gardener friends for ideas.

Avoid pesticides

Minimize or eliminate the use of pesticides, especially neonicotinoids and other harmful chemicals that can harm pollinators. Opt for organic or natural pest control methods to protect your garden without harming pollinators.

Provide nesting sites

Create habitats for native bees and other pollinators by leaving dead wood, bare soil, or nesting blocks in your garden. Mason bee houses and butterfly houses can also be added to your garden to provide shelter and nesting sites. Avoid mowing and raking your leaves in the early Spring to give pollinators a chance to hatch out.

Support habitat conservation

Get involved in local conservation efforts and advocate for the protection and restoration of natural habitats. Encourage the preservation of wildflower meadows, wetlands, and other critical pollinator habitats. Buy food from your small, local farmers. They are likely growing food in a way that is healthy for bees, and for you!

Educate and raise awareness

Spread the word about the importance of pollinators and the threats they face. Support organizations dedicated to pollinator conservation and participate in community education and outreach programs.

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instagram: @bees_and_greens